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Laboratory Work

The laboratory works offer the opportunity to gain practical experience in a university environment. For this purpose, students work in small groups on practical tasks with a research context. Often case studies are worked on or experiments are carried out in the laboratories of the chairs. In the Bachelor's program, the laboratory works consist of a module with 5 LP. In the Master's program, students can complete the module either by attending two labs with 3 LP each or by attending one lab with 6 LP.

With the overview of currently offered laboratory works and logistic projects of the Department of Mechanical Engineering you can get an overview and at the same time find information on how to register. With the overview in Excel format, you can use the filter function to reduce the overview to labs for your degree program and the desired semester. Detailed descriptions of the contents can usually be found on the websites of the offering chairs.

Registration is usually done via the chair or a Moodle course. Please note the registration deadlines. Participation in laboratories of the Master's program is only possible if you are enrolled in the Master's program at the time of registration. For questions regarding the labs please contact the chairs, for questions regarding the central Moodle courses for registration in the study programs Logistics and Industrial Engineering and Management please contact the respective student advisor.


The bachelor's degree program in mechanical engineering does not include a laboratory work.

In the Bachelor's degree program in Logistics, the subject laboratory is called "Logistics Project". It comprises the processing of a logistical problem on the basis of a practical case study. The logistics project is supervised by the various chairs that offer logistical questions for processing, see overview.

Registration is done via the Moodle-Kurs Logistikprojekt SS 2025.

This laboratory is offered by the IUL and ISF and deals with topics related to the processing of materials. Further information can be found in the overview.

Here, either the laboratories of the Department of Mechanical Engineering (see profile Production Management), the laboratories of the Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology (see profile Management of Electrical Systems) or the seminars of the Department of Business and Economics can be taken. 

The laboratories of the Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology can be taken here. Detailed descriptions and information about the labs can be found on the homepage of the Department ETIT


Within the scope of the laboratory, selected complex contents from mechanical engineering are deepened by means of practical investigations in which the students independently solve engineering problems. The topics and types of experiments are offered by the chairs of the Department of Mechanical Engineering, see overview.

The Logistics Lab is divided into Logistics Lab I and Logistics Lab II. Within the framework of the laboratories, selected logistics contents are deepened by means of practical investigations in which the students solve problems independently. The topics and types of experiments are offered by the chairs of the Department of Mechanical Engineering that research and teach in the field of logistics, see overview.

Registration takes place via the Moodle-Kurs Logistiklabor SS 2025.

Within the scope of the laboratory, questions from the fields of mechanical engineering and industrial engineering are dealt with. The topics and types of experiments are offered by the chairs of the Department of Mechanical Engineering, see overview.

Registration takes place via the Moodle-Kurs Fachlabor Master Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen SoSe 2025.

Here, either the laboratories of the Department of Mechanical Engineering (see profile Production Management) or the Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology (see profile Management of Electrical Systems) can be visited. Seminars of the Department of Business and Economics can NOT be taken as a laboratory in the Master's program.

The laboratories of the Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology can be taken here. Detailed descriptions and information about the labs can be found on the homepage of the Faculty ETIT