The Moodle course Better Research offers you a central contact for the design of your scientific work. Here you will find answers to your questions and suggestions on how to structure your paper. From the process, to literature research, to research methodology, you will also find useful information on citation, scientific writing, the exposé, and the rough do's and don'ts of scientific work. In addition, the course offers the opportunity to exchange ideas. The course is available to all students. It can only be used with a logged-in "Moodle account".
- Moodle course "Better research -Einstieg ins wissenschaftliche Arbeiten"
- Further information (Flyer)
Since the winter semester 2019/2020, the submission of theses in digital form via the ExaBase online portal has been provided for in all degree programs at TU Dortmund University. The regular operation applies to all bachelor's and master's theses registered as of October 01, 2019.
All necessary information and forms for the submission of digital theses, can be found on the page of the examination administration.
Here you can access the ExaBase online portal.
Students of TU Dortmund University are obliged to attach a signed (original), affidavit as the last page of the thesis to every bachelor or master thesis. Here you will find the current affidavit.
The thesis must be uploaded via ExaBase by 23:59 on the day of submission. If this time window is exceeded, the thesis will be graded with a 5.0 due to the deadline.
We therefore recommend that you upload interim versions of your thesis in good time in order to avoid a time limit.