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Scholarships and Awards

A large number of scholarship programs support students or doctoral candidates during their studies or final theses. The foundations apply different criteria - it is not always just a matter of top grades and support for the most talented. In addition to performance, the commitment and circumstances of students are also taken into account.

You can find an overview of the different scholarship programs as well as information about counseling and application on the page of the The scholarship advisory team of TU Dortmund University.

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On this page we would like to draw your attention to scholarship programs and contests that are especially relevant for students of the Department of Mechanical Engineering.

Good luck with your application!


The Deutschlandstipendium supports talented and high-achieving students. The scholarship holders are supported with 300 euros per month. The Deutschlandstipendium is aimed at all bachelor's and master's students at TU Dortmund University. First-year students can also apply for the funding.

When to apply?

August 15 - September 15 of each year

Who can apply?

  • freshmen
  • enrolled students
  • current scholarship holders (continuation of scholarship)

How to apply?

Only online (The application portal will be activated as of August 15)


TheMartin-Schmeißer-Stiftung established on the initiative of the City of Dortmund and donors from Dortmund's business community, is a foundation for the promotion of international academic relations at TU Dortmund University. Scholarships can be awarded to Bachelor's and Master's students whose work requires a research stay of at least two months abroad. The total funding amounts to a maximum of Euro 1,500. Double funding is excluded. Interested students - and international students in particular - can submit their applications to the Foundation by February 15 / September 15, 2022. is an online scholarship and career network for the top 10 percent of pupils, students and doctoral candidates. cooperates with more than 500 partners, including the Friedrich Ebert Foundation, Heinrich Böll Foundation, Foundation of German Business, University of Hamburg, University of Cologne, BMW, Bosch or DIE ZEIT.

Undergraduate and graduate students can apply for on an ongoing basis by submitting their resume including grades.

Doing a doctorate in three years, working on issues from industrial practice and in a comprehensive scientific network? It's possible - with a scholarship from thyssenkrupp Schulte GmbH at the Graduate School of Logistics (GSofLog) in Dortmund.
You can expect an innovative, interdisciplinary team, comprehensive academic support from top-class logistics professors and an exciting practical problem - all packed into a structured doctoral programme in the Graduate School of Logistics' unique, purely industry-funded model. 

More information on the website

As part of the programme, 10 scholarships will be awarded for a one-year stay in the People's Republic of China from September 2025.

The China Scholarship Programme is aimed at students of all subjects with or without previous experience of China and a substantial interest in the People's Republic of China. It offers them the opportunity to acquire in-depth knowledge of the Chinese language and society as well as the university and scientific landscape during a one-year language and study visit.

The scholarship includes the following benefits

  •     Study costs allowance of €300 from the Studienstiftung
  •     Living allowance of up to € 812 per month calculated according to BaföG guidelines
  •     If applicable, allowances for health and long-term care insurance
  •     Lump sum abroad in the amount of € 350
  •     Foreign allowance according to BaföG for recipients of the basic scholarship of currently €73
  •     Travel allowance in the amount of €825
  •     Tuition fees in China covered by the China Scholarship Council
  •     preparatory language course

Admission to the China Scholarship Programme is accompanied by admission to the Studienstiftung, and scholarship holders will continue to receive support from the Studienstiftung after their return from China.

Applications can be submitted until 10 October 2025.

Further information on the programme and the application requirements can be found on our website at We would also like to refer you to our FAQs at this point.



The ada Future Scholarship for students is a one-year learning program in which you prepare for the working world of tomorrow with online learning content, practical challenges and live sessions on topics such as climate neutrality, artificial intelligence, mindfulness and innovation management. 

Funded by the RAG-Stiftung, 38 students will have access to an exciting, study-complementary learning program in which they can expand their knowledge and skills on future-relevant topics, expand their network and work on their personal development and career planning within a year.

The application deadline is March 23, 2025 !


 More Information

The Prof. Dr.-Ing. Erich Müller Foundation will award up to 17 scholarships to particularly talented engineering students in the 2025 funding year. The scholarships are awarded for the preparation of Master's or diploma theses, preferably in connection with a stay abroad lasting several months, stays abroad that significantly increase the applicant's qualifications.
Participation in compulsory internships (also abroad) is not funded.
The scholarships are endowed with 600 € MONTHLY and are granted for a maximum period of 6 months.
Applications are only open to students from German universities (including universities of applied sciences), especially technical universities, studying for a Master's or advanced degree in electrical engineering or mechanical engineering
with a Bachelor's or intermediate diploma grade ≤ 2.5. Medical technology courses are excluded from the selection process.
The following application documents must be submitted

- Questionnaire (below, available separately for download)
- a motivating cover letter,
- a curriculum vitae in tabular form,
- the certificate of general higher education entrance qualification and the Bachelor's certificate (or pre-diploma certificate),
- a current transcript of grades,
- an expert opinion from a university lecturer on the applicant's qualifications
- a one-page description of the project (for Master's theses: Topic and rough concept, for stays abroad: Duration and content of the course),
- if applicable, certificates from company internships,
- for stays abroad: Documents proving the stay abroad.

The main selection criteria are the applicant's qualifications and the relevance of the project for industry and industrial projects in Germany. Please send applications BY 30 MARCH 2025
by e-mail as a single PDF file without password protection or access restrictions regarding reading, copying and printing to

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Erich Müller Foundation
c/o Deutsches Stiftungszentrum GmbH
Baedekerstrasse 1
45128 Essen
T 0201 8401-319


All Information

Contests & Awards

start2grow offers opportunities for digital or technological business ideas from the higher education sector. Students, research assistants and professors have the potential to become prize winners in the start2grow 2022 start-up competition.

The start2grow 2022 start-up competition is aimed at teams with technological or digital ideas for innovative products or services. There are cash prizes worth a total of 84,000 euros for the best business plans.

In addition, start2grow:

  • Free coaching and mentoring
  • Contacts to business and capital
  • Events for networking, learning and celebrating

TheDeutsche Studienpreis annually honors the best German doctoral students from all disciplines. In addition to academic excellence, what counts most is the specific social significance of the research contributions: The young scientists are encouraged to highlight the social value of their own research achievements and to engage in a public debate about them.

The Körber Foundation provides annual prizes worth a total of more than 100,000 euros for the German Study Prize, which is awarded in three academic sections. In each of the three subject groups - in the social sciences, the natural and technical sciences, and the humanities and cultural studies - one top prize of 25,000 euros and two second prizes of 5,000 euros each are awarded.

Dear students,

The application phase for this year's round of the MINTalents@tk support programme has begun!

MINTalents@tk is an exclusive offer for committed STEM students at TU Dortmund University, organised by the Chair of Management Accounting and Controlling in cooperation with thyssenkrupp. By joining the support group, you will have many opportunities for orientation and development for your future career path:
- When you are accepted into the Förderkreis, you will be invited to an exciting event or training session every semester, where you will gain practical knowledge and skills that are not covered in your degree programme.
- Insights into the everyday working life of STEM graduates will give you perspectives on career planning and professional orientation.
- Close contact with our cooperation partner thyssenkrupp opens up exclusive access to attractive internships, working student positions, practical dissertations and entry-level opportunities.
- After one year of active participation in the support group, you will receive a certificate of membership in MINTalents@tk, which can be attached to your CV when applying for a job.
The sponsorship begins this year on 07 & 08 November 2024 with a management training course. Learn more about the basics of management in an interactive training
of management and gain an insight behind the scenes of the international thyssenkrupp Group. During the training, you will slip into the role of a board member of a listed company and gain entrepreneurial experience in the industry in a fun way. 

Apply by 31 October 2024 with a few words about your enthusiasm for your subject area and your motivation to get started as a STEM talent! Your grades are not relevant for admission to MINTalents@tk. 

You can find more information about the support group and the application process on the digital flyer attached!

Contact for scholarships and competitions