Two members of the mechanical engineering faculty win the CES sponsorship award of the VDI 2023
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Prof. Dr. Hans-Georg Schnürch, member of the advisory board of the CES Foundation, Richard Rackl, Managing Director of CES C.Ed. Schulte GmbH Zylinderschlossfabrik in Velbert and Jean Haeffs, Managing Director of VDI-GPL, presented this year's award winners with their certificates. Other members of the VDI circle of friends were also present during the award ceremony.
The award winners are the former students of mechanical engineering Ms. Hanigah Kanagarajah and Mr. Lukas Vogel. Ms. Kanagarajah wrote her master's thesis at the Chair of Materials Testing Technology (WPT) on the topic "Evaluation of the performance of micromagnetic testing methods for property characterization of the metastable austenitic steel X2CrNi18-9 during flow-forming". Her work was supervised by Prof. Frank Walther and Mr. Julian Rozo Vasquez. Mr. Vogel wrote his master's thesis at the Institute of Machining Technology (ISF) with the title "Investigation of the microfinishing process for the specific adjustment of the properties of rotationally symmetrical functional surfaces". His work was supervised by Prof. Dirk Biermann and Mr. Meik Tilger.
After a short welcome and introductory words from the VDI Circle of Friends and the CES Foundation, the award winners were allowed to present their Master's theses to those present. Afterwards, there was the opportunity to discuss the theses in detail in the plenum.
About the Carl Eduard Schulte Foundation
The sponsorship award has been presented since 1990 on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of C. Ed. Schulte GmbH, manufacturer of locking systems. With the sponsorship award, the Carl-Eduard-Schulte-Stiftung honors current and outstanding theses in the field of production engineering and related disciplines.