New Year's reception of the Graduate School of Logistics
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New Year's reception 2024
Network and alumni meeting
January 18, 2024 | 3 p.m.
Logistics Campus of the TU Dortmund University
Joseph-von-Fraunhofer-Str. 2-4
44227 Dortmund
The Graduate School of Logistics stands for participatory research and development for a sustainable and resilient industry that is technologically sovereign and remains economically successful. Application-oriented doctorates are the central interface and enable a direct transfer of scientific knowledge into industrial practice. We reveal the trends, transformation paths and solutions for Logistics 2024 so that we can shape the future together.
Science and practice come together at the traditional New Year's reception of the Graduate School of Logistics. Representatives of sponsoring companies, alumni, academics from the logistics community, doctoral students and interested parties are invited. In addition to a review and outlook by the spokesperson of the Executive Board Univ.-Prof. Dr. habil. Dr. h. c. Michael Henke, you can expect an alumni experience report, a tribute to Tobias Rösner-Bredebach (former scholarship holder in cooperation with thyssenkrupp Materials Services GmbH), a champagne reception, a gala buffet and live music.
Further information and registration can be found on the Graudate School of Logistics website.
Britta Scherer | Coordination | Graduate School of Logistics | 0231 9743 413 | britta.scherertu-dortmundde |
The Agenda
15.00 Come-together and registration
15.30 Welcome, review and outlook
Univ.-Prof. Dr. habil. Dr. h. c. Michael Henke
Spokesman of the Executive Board
16.15 Field report
Tobias Rösner-Bredebach
16.35 Admission to the alumni network
Tobias Rösner-Bredebach
Sponsor: thyssenkrupp Materials Services GmbH
16.45 Closing and champagne reception
Prof. Michael Henke
17.00 Gala buffet
18.00 Live music
19.00 Closing