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Laboratory Work

The laboratory work specifically involves experimental research work. The specific objectives are defined by the chairs where the laboratory work is performed. Lab Work is done in groups. Students can choose freely the chair or chairs and discipline for their laboratory work, depending on availability.

Either 10 or 6 CP must be completed, depending on the start of the study program. Students who are examined according to the Examination Regulations 2023 (from the winter semester 2023/24) must complete 6 CP for the module Laboratory Work.  Students who were already enrolled in MMT before the winter semester 2023/24 must complete 10 CP. 


The following chairs are offering Laboratory Work for MMT-students. However, we recommend checking the websites of other institutes proactively and the backboards of relevant chairs.


Title Lab Work



Contact Person

Further Information

ISF Experimental and simulative investigations of turning a steel material 6 SS Pascal Volke / Gero Polus Link
IUL Material characterization in forming technology 5-6 WS Fabian  Stiebert / Oliver Schulz Link
IUL Additive Manufacturing in Forming Technolgy 3 SS Hamed Dardaei Joghan / Farin Weinert Link
IUL Tube bending lab 3 SS Eike Hoffmann Link
WPT Fatigue and fracture behavior of metallic materials 6 WS Steffen Sowka Link
LKT Additive Design and Manufacturing Lab -ADM-LAB 3 SS Bill Febrian Winoto Link
LKT Ultrasonic Welding of Plastics 3 WS Bill Febrian Winoto Link
CRE Uncertainty Quantification with Fuzzy Analysis 3 WS/SS Marcos Valdebenito Link
LWT Individual subject (group between 3-5 students) 3 or 6 WS/SS Supervisor at the chair