Better together
Since 2007, the TU Dortmund University has been working closely together strategically with the Ruhr University Bochum and the University of Duisburg-Essen in the University Alliance Ruhr (UA Ruhr) - true to the motto: "Better together".
The alliance universities offer their researchers optimal opportunities for cooperation and networking and support joint research projects that are developed under the roof of the alliance.

The universities offer their students a unique variety of compatible bachelor's and master's degree programs. Students can use the entire infrastructure of all alliance universities and benefit from a modern eCampus.

Even though they remain autonomous as independent universities, the three large Ruhr universities are developing common standards and quality criteria. Thus, they not only combine their strengths in partnership research activities locally, but also appear together abroad. The development and implementation of a joint virtual campus is intended to improve the framework conditions for teaching and studying. In addition, synergies are to be utilized in a targeted manner through cooperation in administration and infrastructure.
The three universities form a unique research network consisting of 250 research groups and 5 large partner institutes in order to strengthen teaching and to further develop the Ruhr region as a business location, especially in the field of materials and technology.