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Dr. Nick Große accepted into the TU Dortmund University Young Academy sponsorship program

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Sieben Menschen lächelnd. V.l.n.r.: Dr. Nick Große; Dr. Alexander Puzicha; Dr. Lea Winand; Dr. Charlotte Behlau; Dr. Birgit Zeyer-Gliozzo; Dr. Jens Mazei; Dr. Dorothea Metzen © Copyright: Dr. Maria Verena Peters
V.l.n.r.: Dr. Nick Große; Dr. Alexander Puzicha; Dr. Lea Winand; Dr. Charlotte Behlau; Dr. Birgit Zeyer-Gliozzo; Dr. Jens Mazei; Dr. Dorothea Metzen
Dr. Nick Große, postdoctoral researcher at the Chair of Corporate Logistics in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, is one of the new recipients of funding from the TU Dortmund University Young Academy

Eight doctoral researchers were accepted into the TU Dortmund University Young Academy this year, including Dr. Nick Große, postdoctoral researcher at the Chair of Corporate Logistics.

With his topic "Contribution to the description of the interactions of systemic trust in the use of artificial intelligence in value networks", he successfully acquired project funding.

In addition to the funding, the recipients also receive access to an exclusive accompanying program that supports them in building a profile with strong third-party funding.


With the Young Academy, the Technical University of Dortmund supports doctoral researchers in the qualification phase in building up a research profile with strong third-party funding.


We congratulate Dr. Nick Große on this funding!