Gender Congress 2023 of the MKW NRW
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The proportion of women in professorships and management positions at universities in North Rhine-Westphalia is rising slowly but steadily. The recent decision by the federal and state governments to continue the program for female professors is an important approach to accelerating this development.
The focus of the Gender Report 2022 is on the working conditions and experiences of young scientists and artists at universities in North Rhine-Westphalia. In recent decades, the qualification and career paths for this "academic middle class" have changed and differentiated. At the same time, the number of employees who can be attributed to this group has grown considerably. It is therefore necessary to take a close look at the framework conditions and future prospects for young academics and artists. With the Gender Congress, the Ministry of Culture and Science would like to stimulate exchange on this and other aspects of equality and equal opportunities. This is intended to build on previous positive developments and further reduce existing forms of inequality.
Registration is online via the following link.