Veranstaltungshinweis: Gastvortrag von Prof. Stephan Onggo
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Disaster management is a complex task, as disasters disrupt interconnected systems comprising socio-economic, physical, and ecological elements. To aid decisionmakers in disaster management, researchers have proposed various modelling and simulation methods. In this presentation, he will offer an overview of these methods, focusing particularly on simulation and optimization techniques.
Rather than delve into technical specifics, he will present at a conceptual level with an aim to foster multidisciplinary research discussions and explore potential collaborations. In the second part of the talk, he will address complexities in disaster management gleaned from recent work in Indonesia and Beirut. Additionally, he will discuss a serious game conducted to examine the impact of biases on decision-making processes in disaster preparedness.
BHAKTI STEPHAN ONGGO is a Professor of Business Analytics at the University of Southampton. He is a member of the Centre for Operational Research Management Sciences and Information Systems (CORMSIS) and Centre for Healthcare Analytics. He is an Associate Editor for the Journal of Simulation and Area Editor for the Health Systems journal. His research interests include simulation modeling methodology and its applications in health care, disaster management and supply chain.